Dealing With Tension Headaches Without Medication
If you're dealing with tension headaches and migraines and your physician thinks they are triggered by your working habits throughout the day, there are some things you can try to alleviate the pain. There are alternative treatment options that don't involve costly prescription medications. Instead, you want to come up with a solution for the problem.
The tension headaches could be caused by your posture throughout the day, over exposure to a computer screen while you work, and computer vision syndrome. Here are some things you can attempt, instead of taking migraine pills or other medication.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy throughout the lower back and up into the shoulders and neck can be very beneficial if you are having tension headaches. This relieves some of the pain and tension you have which is pulling on nerves in your neck and head.
You also want to get a cranial massage. This relieves tension directly in the areas where you're feeling extreme pressure, to give almost instant relief. You may want to go get one of these cranial massages when you feel a headache coming on, to prevent the pain.
Ergonomic Furniture
Using ergonomic furniture will help with your posture, to take pressure of the joints and to prevent muscle strain. Preventing muscle strain is going to help prevent headaches. You can get ergonomic chairs to help keep you comfortable while sitting in front of the computer all day.
Eye Protection
Protecting the eyes is also going to be important, and you'll want to get a glare protection cover for your computer screen. Printing documents or emails on paper can help avoid additional exposure to the screen, along with using a phone to talk with people instead of communicating via email. If you need to talk with someone in the office, get up and go to them.
There are many people that deal with headaches by taking a pill to deal with the pain, but you don't have to use that as your only solution. Getting rid of the triggers that are causing your headaches is a great place to start treating the problems you have, and to avoid medication. Try these different things and see an optometrist to see if there is something wrong with your eyes, to get rid of the tension headaches. You can get through your long workday easier if you decide to try these different options.
To learn more about massage therapy and relaxation techniques, contact a company like Harbourside Therapeutic Massage Clinic.