Cutting It Off At The Pass: Keeping Fungus From Developing On Your Nails
The best form of treatment is prevention, which goes for things large and small. Anyone can be at risk for having toenail fungus. Athletes, those who are older, and people who work in damp conditions have a higher chance of developing nail fungus. In order to stop fungus development in its tracks, try a few low cost, at-home treatments to stop fungus from developing.
Soak with apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has a strong smell of its own, but it is one created by natural means. Performing a foot soak with apple cider vinegar is one of the best ways to stave off nail fungus. Mix one part apple cider vinegar and one part of water together. Soak your feet in the mixture for at least half an hour at a time. Not only will this mixture stop fungus from developing, it can act as a nail fungus treatment if you are currently suffering from fungus development.
Apply tea tree oil to the feet
Tea tree oil is an anti-fungal oil that helps the nails, skin, and hair. Prior to putting on socks each day, apply a little tea tree oil to your feet and rub across your toes and nails. Tea tree oil can also be used inside of your bath water to help keep fungus development away while offering your skin a clean, tingly feeling inside of the tub.
Replace lotion with coconut oil
Coconut oil is a natural remedy that is easy to apply. Coconut oil can be used as an alternative to lotion that will help to get rid of nail fungus. Instead of using your regular body lotion, use coconut oil on your hands and feet. This will act as both a moisturizer and a toenail fungus treatment. Remember to store coconut oil in a cool environment away from light or heat to keep it in its solid form, making it easier to handle.
Scrub with baking soda
Baking soda often costs lower than one dollar, and makes the perfect scrub for those with fungal issues. Mix baking soda with a little bit of water and apply to the toes and scrub. Allow the scrub to sit on your feet for a few minutes, then rinse. Follow up the baking soda scrub with a cooling soak with a few drops of lavender oil. This will remove the fungus and give your feet a nice scent. Contact a company like Precision Laser Picosure Laser for more information on nail fungus treatment.