Four Signs Your Eyeglass Prescription Needs To Be Updated
Many people assume that, once they get a prescription for a pair of glasses, they do not have to worry about the prescription changing for many years. That is not the case at all. The prescription can change for many different reasons, including injuries or strains. Use the guide that follows to learn a few ways to know if it may be time to update your eyeglass prescription.
Blurry Vision
If you notice that your vision starts to become blurry, even when you are wearing your glasses, there is a good chance that your prescription may need to be updated. When you are wearing your glasses, your vision should be clear when you are looking close or far away. To test to see if you have blurred vision, cover one of your eyes and look at words that are a few feet away from you. If the letters are blurred, it may be time to update your prescription.
Double Vision
When you look through your glasses, you should never have double vision unless something is wrong with your eyes or with your eyeglass prescription. Double vision occurs when you look at something and see two of one thing rather than just one of the item.
Sudden Headaches
If you notice that you have suddenly started to have headaches on a regular basis, you may want to see your eye doctor. When your eyeglass prescription is not accurate, you will strain to see, which can cause you to have headaches. Take the time to annotate when you have a headache on a calendar and if you notice that you are having more than a few headaches a week, it may be time to see your eye doctor.
Strained Vision
If you find yourself squinting constantly, your eyeglass prescription needs to be updated. You should not have to squint when you are wearing glasses with an accurate prescription. There are many times when you may be squinting and may not even realize it. Take the time to place a mirror next to your desk when you are working so that you can see yourself working at the computer or reading documents. You will catch glimpses of yourself in the mirror every now and then and may be able to notice if you are squinting.
If you notice any of these issues, there is a good chance that your eyeglass prescription is no longer as effective as it could be. You can simply go to your eye doctor and he or she should be able to determine the new prescription you need that day so you can get your new eyeglasses made as soon as possible.