The Unfortunate Fate of Unneutered Cats
When pet owners adopt a male cat, they have a choice of whether to neuter the cat. While neutering a male can eliminate the possibility of that cat ever producing kittens, there are far bigger problems that are associated with not neutering them. The following issues can happen to a male cat if they aren't neutered.
1. They're Lured Away
As cat owners know, pet cats can be extremely affectionate and loyal to their owners. However, it's a bit more difficult for a cat to do that when they haven't been neutered, because the call of the wild remains.
When a female cat goes into heat, your male cat may be lured away. The hormones detected by your male cat will be irresistible, so they'll try to leave the house at the first opportunity they get. If you think you're not in any danger because there aren't any female cats around, think again: your male cat can detect females in heat up to a mile away. Unfortunately, this often means that an intact male cat who wanders off may never be seen again by their owner.
2. They Become Injured and Diseased
Unfortunately, smelling a female cat in heat is usually never as straightforward as finding the female cat and mating. There will be other males that have been lured in, too, and they'll all want to claim the potential mate as their own. When this happens, male cats fight. Diseases can be transmitted by exposure to bodily fluids like saliva or blood that can be shed during a fight.
Cat bite injuries are particularly dangerous because a cat's saliva may be full of dangerous bacteria, too. So in addition to the risk of disease, there's a chance of infection, as well.
They May Develop Cancer
Unfortunately, many intact male cats will never make it to old age with just the above factors in play. But if your cat gets older, he might have one more unwanted illness in their future: cancer.
Testicular cancer is an ailment that male cats can develop. Neutering completely removes the possibility of this type of cancer, as it removes the testes. As long as they remain intact, the risk is there.
Neutering your male cat is the best way to ensure that they have a long, healthy life with you and that they don't stray during their first mating season. Unless you have plans to breed your cat professionally, make the choice to get them neutered ASAP.