Is Your Child Heading To Middle School? 4 Situations That Mental Health Counseling Can Help With
If your child will be going to middle school this year, take care of their mental health. Middle school can be a difficult time for kids, especially where their mental health is concerned. In addition to transitioning from elementary school to middle school, kids need to navigate the changing emotions that come from moving into puberty. But the mental health issues go deeper than that, especially once they enter the middle school setting. To help your child through middle school, it's important to provide them with mental health counseling - even if they aren't showing signs of distress right now. Here are four negative influences that your child may face during their middle school years that may necessitate visits to a mental health counselor.
Bullying is a serious problem during the middle school years. Studies show that about 1 in 4 or more children have been bullied in school. Most bullying occurs during the middle school years. Bullying involves direct and indirect interactions. Direct interactions include face-to-face bullying. Indirect interactions include things like rumors. Bullying can leave your child feeling vulnerable and alone. Mental health counseling can help your child cope with the feelings that come from bullying.
Now that your child will be going to middle school, they may be exposed to violence. Most people think of weapons-related incidences when they hear the term "school violence." But, there are other types of violence that your teen may be subjected to during the middle school years. Some forms of violence include sexual harassment, homophobia, and dating violence. Mental health counseling can help your child learn the coping skills they need to protect themselves from the violence they may face during school.
If your child is heading off to middle school, it's time to prepare for puberty. Just as your child transitions to middle school, their body begins producing hormones. Those hormones can send your child on a roller coaster of emotions. Your child may exhibit mood swings, anxiety, and depression. Unfortunately, your child won't know what to do with the emotions they're experiencing. That's where a mental health counselor can help. To help your child navigate the changes they're going through, provide them with mental health counseling during middle school.
Peer Pressure
Peer pressure can also affect your child's mental health during middle school. During the middle school years, your child will begin to explore their own independence. Unfortunately, that exploration can put them at risk for peer pressure. Many middle school students experiment with alcohol, cigarettes, and sex as a way to fit in with popular crowds. Counseling can help your child overcome peer pressure.
To learn more, contact a mental health counselor.