Can Chiropractic Care Help Your Lower Back Pain?
If you suffer from lower back pain, you know how debilitating the pain can be. Surgery may not be an option, or you may not want to have such an invasive treatment. One way to deal with back pain is chiropractic care. Here are some things you should know about chiropractic care for treating lower back pain.
How Does Chiropractic Care Work?
Chiropractic care uses manipulation by the hands of the practitioner to help ease pain and increase body movement. Chiropractors also provide counseling on exercise, proper diet, and massage.
How Does Chiropractic Care Ease Low Back Pain?
A chiropractor uses spinal manipulation to help get your spine into proper alignment. Spinal manipulation is applied pressure to the different areas of the vertebra in order to help ease pain and restore your range of motion. The changes made by spinal manipulation help improve your posture and can help you twist your back and waist with the proper range of motion. This intervention, when done over time, will help you recover from your lower back pain.
What Happens at Your Initial Appointment?
If this is your first visit to a chiropractor, you can expect a similar experience to that of other medical care providers. You will complete paperwork, provide a medical history, and provide the cause of your lower back pain. The chiropractor will order some x-ray images to see the condition of your spinal alignment.
During your first appointment, the chiropractor will also evaluate your nerve function, body movement, and muscle tone. The chiropractor may ask you to try bending, twisting, or turning to see your current range of motion. You and the chiropractor will discuss the options available to you for treatment. This may include spinal manipulation, massage therapy, heat therapy, tens therapy, and exercise.
What Happens After You Visit the Chiropractor?
You should see your chiropractor on a regular basis until you begin to feel better. After you receive spinal manipulation, you may feel drowsy. You may also have some soreness for a few hours as well. Both of these issues are normal and typically subside within a day. As time passes, you should begin to notice your pain subsiding. If you do not feel better after a course of chiropractic care, you may need further treatment from your chiropractor.
If you are nervous about visiting a chiropractor, book a consultation appointment. You can learn more about care for chiropractic back pain treatments and how they can help you.