Why Simple Cremation Is Becoming The More Popular Choice
More and more people are deciding that a simple cremation is the best option for themselves or for their loved ones. If you are not overly familiar with direct cremation, you will want to continue reading. This way, you will have the chance to decide whether it is a good option for you or your family members when it comes to making final arrangements.
It's The Greener Alternative
With direct cremation, there will not be a viewing. This eliminates the need for embalming. While someone that is embalmed can still be cremated, those toxins are released into the environment. Embalming is only needed to keep the body somewhat preserved so there can be a day or two of viewing. If you want to be as environmentally friendly as possible, you will want to consider the direct cremation option.
It's The More Affordable Option
Viewings are not scheduled when the deceased is set up for direct cremation. They are brought to the funeral home from their home or hospital and set up to be cremated right away. If there is a pending investigation regarding how they passed away, the deceased may be placed in a cooler in order to preserve their body. Once the funeral home is given the go-ahead, they can proceed with the cremation. This is the more affordable option because the embalming process, the viewings, and the burial is skipped so those things will not need to be paid for.
The Planning Process Is Easier
For some people, it's not about the money but rather about not wanting to spend a lot of time planning final arrangements. They might want to focus more on their personal grieving and whatever legal situations may pop up regarding the estate. The direct cremation process is easier and quicker to set up.
Now that you have those points to take into consideration, you will want to think about whether this is the type of final arrangement you would want for yourself when the time comes. If it is, you will want to either preplan and pay for your final expenses on your own ahead of time or make sure that your next of kin understands your wishes. You should also consider putting your wishes in your last will and testament. If you are in charge of planning the funeral for a loved one, you will want to discuss this option with the funeral home director.
Contact a local funeral home to learn more about direct cremation.