If you cannot hear well, you may want to get your ears checked by an audiologist. Hearing loss will not only cause you to suffer with the quality of your life, but studies also show that it is linked to dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
Dementia and Alzheimer's: Diseases That Steal The Brain
Both of these diseases are known for stealing a person's memories. If you are affected by this, the symptoms can be hard to detect at first, but they will worsen and there is no cure for either of these diseases.
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A lot of people get well into their adult years before they start having vision problems. However, these people, who have always enjoyed good vision, often are unaware that their vision is getting worse since it typically deteriorates gradually. If you've never worn glasses or had vision problems in your life, don't assume that you're immune. Keep an eye on your health and be watchful of the signs that you may need glasses, or, at the very least, that you should schedule an appointment with an optometrist to learn more.
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There are various reasons that a person may suffer from hearing loss. This can be due to aging, illness, injury, or being exposed to extremely loud noise for an extended period of time on a daily basis. For instance, many people who work in loud factories may eventually have hearing loss even if they are wearing protective covering over their ears most of the time. Hearing loss commonly comes on gradually.
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